As per the government announcement on the 9th July 2020, we are now able to offer a phased return to training from the Monday 27th July 2020.

We are so excited to welcome you back, however, changes have been made to adhere to the current government guidelines.

Classes will be running 5 days a week, Monday-Friday 7:15 – 8:15 pm.

Our main priority is the safety of students, staff and anyone else that we are to come into contact with.  We have put things in place to minimise the risk or infection or transmission. For us, this means that we will be doing certain things to ensure that it is as safe as possible for you to attend. We will;

  • Clean the training area, surfaces, touchpoints, equipment etc before and after each class.
  • Provide sanitisation station for hand gel / provide handwashing facilities
  • Display information on current social distancing guidelines and club protocols
  • Communicate with students advising them of current protocols and any changes and an opportunity to ask any questions and to reassure students.
    For students;
  • Anyone that shows any symptoms/signs of COVID 19 will be sent home
  • If you are feeling unwell do not come training
  • Classes will be in smaller groups/training bubbles these are not interchangeable.
  • No parents are permitted to stay as we do not have space for parents to wait and adhere to current social distancing.
  • We will not be able to provide refreshments so please ensure that you come with a drink

If you have any questions please get in touch: 07821 126 685 Sifu