childrens kung fu martial arts halesowen

Unleash your child’s full potential through the power of martial arts

Embark on a thrilling martial arts journey with your child and uncover a world of limitless potential. Our 5-step Kung Fu method, specifically designed for children, will guide your child’s growth and help them thrive in all aspects of life.

Parenting can be a challenging and rewarding journey, filled with both joy and frustration.

While there may not be a foolproof manual for raising children, there are ways to make the experience a bit smoother.

With a bit of consistency and commitment, you can help simplify your parenting journey and become the best parent you can be.

Imagine the peace of mind that comes with having a clearer path to guide you and your child towards a brighter future.

Learning kung fu halesowen and dudley
Parenting is like trying to assemble a puzzle without the picture on the box and no clear idea of what the finished product is supposed to look like.

Parenting can be a challenging and rewarding journey, filled with both joy and frustration.

While there may not be a foolproof manual for raising children, there are ways to make the experience a bit smoother.

With a bit of consistency and commitment, you can help simplify your parenting journey and become the best parent you can be.

Imagine the peace of mind that comes with having a clearer path to guide you and your child towards a brighter future.

The Kung Fu Method (KFM)

The KFM (Kung Fu Method) aims to solve the significant problems parents face when raising children.

Every parent intends for their child to have the best possible education—however, the crucial years for development from age 4 to 17 set children up for life.

Over years of working with parents, we have found that the main areas where help is needed and to have the most significant impact and improvement on their child are the following areas, Attention, Behaviour, Confidence, or the ABC’s.

Every child is different, so it is difficult for parents to find a single solution that can significantly impact their child’s life.

Our programme aims to make a massive impact, very quickly in all three areas and decrease parents’ stress at home, improving their quality of family time.

Where does your child fit in?

The Martial Arts Mindset

The Kung Fu Method KFM-Method-for-children-
Children develop with a Martial Arts Mindset

When students first arrive at training with us, we usually find that they have 1 or 2 of the three ABC values that make up their personality, which makes them unique, but lack in one or two areas.

For example, a child may have excellent attention and behaviour but lack confidence, which holds them back from taking up challenges and progressing.

In another example, a child may have excellent confidence but lacks attention and displays poor behaviour.

This is not “black and white”, and each area has a crossover with another area. However, they all benefit and complement each other.

This is why understanding and developing all three areas have such a formidable effect.

By working with the children and discovering their main strengths and weaknesses, we can work with them to cultivate a winning mentality.

We then find that their development is massively accelerated, not just in the Martial Arts but other areas of their home and educational life.

The Kung Fu Method helps to develop all three aspects to solve what we believe are parents’ biggest worries.

By overcoming the three main aspects, students develop a Martial Arts Mindset and fully developed Character.

We achieve this “Reward” by applying the Kung Fu Method to their training.

Kung fu kids halesowen and dudley

Developing synergy

The 5-step Kung Fu Method is a system that will ensure that the development of each student is optimised. When all three areas crossover, the area is “Black” in the centre.

This represents the Martial Arts Mindset and is where we find that students:

  • Has exceptional Attention to detail
  • Exemplary Behaviour
  • A High-level of Confidence
  • Excellent self-control
  • Shows great respect and courtesy.
  • A strong, positive self-image.
  • A positive inner voice
  • Great at Evaluating situations positively
  • Enjoys taking on new challenges

The Kung Fu Method in 5 steps

The Kung Fu Method Diagram shown here illustrates our 5 methods. We encourage you to understand our ethos in more detail.

Part One – Community

Part Two – Motivate

Part Three – Develop

Part Four – Challenge

Part Five – Lead

Each one of these steps is built into the class structure to help mould your child so that they become a whole and rounded individual.

8 Reasons why every child in Halesowen should be given a chance to learn Martial Art like Wing Chun Kung Fu.

  1. Learn cooperation and consideration for others
  2. Develop self-discipline and self-respect
  3. Gain confidence
  4. To get fitter and healthier
  5. Learn self-defence
  6. Master crucial social skills
  7. Have FUN, and they will feel great about themselves
  8. Make new lifelong friends

Halesowen Wing Chun Kung Fu for children aged between 5yrs – 12yrs.

Class on a Monday to Friday 6 pm – 6.50 pm

The 5 step Kung Fu Method

If you have some additional questions that you would like to answer before you attend with your child please get in touch.

We are happy to take your call and answer any questions that you might have. 

To get in touch please call Sifu Alan Bagley on 07821 126 685 or email [email protected] 

Children learning martial arts halesowen and dudley
Wing Chun Halesowen has a real family feel, and I am so happy that my whole family is part of it
Jamie G

We start to teach children from the age of 5 years up to 12 years. Children 13 + can join in with the Adults class

If you are coming to try the class for the first time then please wear a clean pair of training shoes or pumps, tracksuit bottoms, a t-shirt, and a hoody.

Totally up to you. We have water and fruit drinks on sale for 50p or you can use the kitchen to fill up water bottles.

We offer all new students a FREE Discovery Session. This is a great way to see if your child enjoys the martial arts we offer. It also gives you are a parent the opportunity to speak with the instructors and junior coaches. Booking a Discovery Session is easy, just click here >> and select a date that is convenient.