Pre-book lessons
Buy pre-booked lessons for the Wing Chun Halesowen school either for yourself a friend or loved one.

Onced ordered please bring a print out of your receipt or the reference number of the payment to your first class ( Details of class opening times here >> )

You will then receive a booklet with your paid lesson plan for you to keep and redeem on each training day. Over the 16 lessons, you can train once or twice a week. We aim to keep the teaching as flexible as possible.

Pre-book 4 lessons £30.00
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Pre-book 8 lessons £60.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Pre-book 8 lessons” price=”60.00″]

Pre-book 16 lessons / whole introductory course to Wing Chun £100.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Pre-book 16 lessons” price=”100.00″] Saving £20.00


Sifu Alan:Wing Chun Halesowen’s Instructor, Sifu Alan has been involved in martial arts since 1992. Sifu Alan holds a Level 2 Coaches Certificate through the BCCMA, and has a passion and dedication for the passing on of the martial art of Wing Chun. Sifu Alan offers a unique approach to learning, utilising aspects of both physical and psychological aspects of training to help the student fully understand the reasons behind their training. Sifu Alan does not want the “copy as I do” approach, he wants his students to know, feel and understand what they can do within the Wing Chun System.

Sifu Alan is CRB checked and registered to work with children and young adults.

MIDLANDS WING CHUN KUEN – Director: Grandmaster Ip Chun, Chief Instructor: Si-Fu S. Rawcliffe All Midlands Wing Chun Kuen Instructors are Registered Members of: British Council for Chinese Martial Arts (BCCMA), Sports Coach UK ~ The National Coaching Foundation and Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong.