The Instructor, Sifu Alan.
Wing Chun Halesowen’s Instructor, Sifu Alan has been involved in martial arts since 1992, starting with Kickboxing and a little lau gar kung fu. The conditioning and the physical side of taking part in tournaments, travelling around the country pitting his skills against other like minded people, of which there are thousands as a big attraction in the early days.
Helping out with exhibitions and Charity Kickboxing demonstrations within the local community, martial arts became part of Sifu Alan’s life.
So why Wing Chun? Alan became interested in the Wing Chun system after a chance sparring lesson with a fellow Wing Chun student, as with most matrial artists you are always willing to learn new things and test if the things you already know are useful when needed.
That sparring lesson, not just a session, was to change the whole approach Alan had on what martial arts is, and how it should work. As with any martial art or sport like boxing, kickboxing or MMA the question that you should always ask is "would this work in a real live environment?". Alan was taken aback by the shear speed and direct approach of the Wing Chun system, and was determined to find out more about this style.
Many years later Alan is proud to be part of the MWCK family and to have the opportunity to teach the art to others in the same manner that he was taught; openly and honestly.
Alan holds a Level 2 Coaches Certificate through the BCCMA, and is also CRB checked and registered. Many thanks to Chief Instructor: Si-Fu S. Rawcliffe, Sifu Kwok Wan, Sifu Umar Choudhury, Sifu Chris Bates and Sifu Delroy Morgan for all their hours of instruction and advise over the years.
Sifu Alan Bagley (right) with Chief Instructor: Sifu S. Rawcliffe
MIDLANDS WING CHUN KUEN – Director: Grandmaster Ip Chun, Chief Instructor: Si-Fu S. Rawcliffe All Midlands Wing Chun Kuen Instructors are Registered Members of: British Council for Chinese Martial Arts (BCCMA), Sports Coach UK ~ The National Coaching Foundation and Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong.