50/50 Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm


50/50 Super strength Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm Dit Da Jow

A combination of our original Dit Da Jow and our Iron Palm training Dit Da Jow. Comes in a 100ml Glass Bottle.

5 in stock


We are pleased to now offer our SUPER JOW.

A combination of our original Dit Da Jow and our Iron Palm training Dit Da Jow.

The combined formula will give you all the benefits of both the Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm Dit Da Jow for the list below

Dit Da JowIron Palm Dit Da Jow50/50 Mix
Assists with the healing of BruisesAssists with the healing of Tendons, Sinew, BonesCombined benefits of both the Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm Dit Da Jow
Helps reduce Pain Helps reduce Pain
Strengthens Blood VesselsStrengthens Bones, Tendons, Connective Tissue
Reduces Swelling Conditions the Hands, Shins for Heavy Contact
Stops Blood Stagnation Protects Contact Area from Serious Injury
Moves Qi Moves Qi

This unique formula is brewed for over 12 months.  Comes in a 100ml Glass Bottle.

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