Wing Chun Kung Fu Testimonials

No matter what anyone says on their own website, there is nothing better than hearing about what the current students are saying about their training, their teaching and the instructors.

Below is a snapshot of the current students at the Halesowen Wing Chun School, in their own words.

We have asked specific questions to students so that people can understand their thought process before coming to train at the Halesowen Wing Chun school. As you read through them see if any of their concerns before coming training with us apply to you:

What was the main obstacle in your mind that would have prevented you from starting learning Wing Chun Kung Fu with us?
Not knowing much about Wing Chun, so feeling as though I wouldn’t be very good without any background knowledge

What did you find as a result of committing to training and learning with us?
I feel as though I can be more confident in difficult or dangerous situations that I may be faced with on the streets as I have learned many different moves to help protect myself.

What specific area or feature did you like most about our training?
The family feel with everyone while training is a huge bonus! I lost all my nerves and felt comfortable as soon as I walked in on my first lesson. Everyone makes you feel welcome and everyone works together.

What would you consider to be three other benefits to our way of training and way of teaching?
The teaching is clear and friendly, and you’re helped to lot in perfecting the skills you are being taught. This means you will know at home if you’re practising whether you are doing it correctly or not. The training is really good as the techniques eliminate the power of different sized people. Wing Chun is definitely good for a smaller person, such as me, when it comes to taking on a bigger person as you are taught the way to get around the size difference.
The sessions are run brilliantly and every one of them is started with a group warm up, then the room is split for members group and the not yet members groups to practise on each side. Members will also work with non-members some sessions, and this is good for learning one on one the skills you have been taught.

Would you recommend our training to others? If so, why?
Definitely! I started training around the start of this year. I did it as I felt I had no way of defending myself in case I was on my own, not thinking I would ever have to use it but just having it as a skill in case. After about 10 sessions of training I was put in a situation where I had to use Wing Chun to defend myself and I can honestly say I am so glad that I did begin learning it, as I would have otherwise have frozen in the moment where I was attacked on the street, instead of throwing a solid Wing Chun style punch allowing me to get away. I’d rather have known it and not needed it, than needed it and have not known it.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I love Wing Chun! 🙂

What was the main obstacle in your mind that would have prevented you from starting learning Wing Chun Kung Fu with us?
Uncertainty and leaving another club. Can I afford it.

What did you find as a result of committing to training and learning with us?
Comfortable. Affordable. At ease. Excitement. Learning something new.

What specific area or feature did you like most about our training?
At the moment it’s early but the realisation that the training is starting to stick.

What would you consider to be three other benefits to our way of training and way of teaching?
Relaxed. Explanation and involvement.

Would you recommend our training to others? If so, why?
Easy to start. Welcoming. Good explanation

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you.

anna-1.pngAnna – What did you find as a result of committing to training and learning with us?
My confidence has grown in the sense that I now feel that I have a moderate degree of street defence that I could apply should I need to. This class has made a huge impact on my personal growth. Fantastic art – fantastic teachers

What specific area or feature did you like most about our training?
The people. They really are a wonderful family to be a part of.

What would you consider to be three other benefits to our way of training and way of teaching?
Everyone goes at their own pace. The skills we learn are practical rather than aesthetically pleasing. It really is a no nonsense approach. We are kept challenged and introduced to new things with plenty of application work.


j_moore_assisstant_instruct.pngJohn M
You couldn’t ask for a nicer bunch of people to get beat up by each week!





Michael S – Wing Chun Kung Fu Testimonials
Five weeks into my Wing Chun journey and I couldn’t have picked a better place to start it; Wing Chun Halesowen has a real family feel, welcoming myself and my son: Both Sifus are extremely friendly and approachable teachers, always helping and encouraging you as you learn. I would recommend Wing Chun Halesowen to anyone wishing the study a practical martial art.

m_crump.pngMike C
I started my Wing Chun journey in 2013. I have found excellent teaching and students who are passionate about their art. Do not confuse style over substance try this class!








I started training around the start of this year. I did it as I felt I had no way of defending myself in case I was on my own, not thinking I would ever have to use it but just having it as a skill in case.

After about 10 sessions of training I was put in a situation where I had to use Wing Chun to defend myself and I can honestly say I am so glad that I did begin learning it, as I would have otherwise have frozen in the moment where I was attacked on the street, instead of throwing a solid Wing Chun style punch allowing me to get away.

“I’d rather have known it and not needed it than needed it and have not known it”





steve_thumb-300x200.jpgSteve T – Wing Chun Kung Fu Testimonials
Wing Chun for me is a personal, humbling, thinking, learning and rewarding martial art. I thank Sifu Alan for teaching the art of Wing Chun.






Since I was a little kid I always enjoyed the old kung fu movies and Bruce Lee was a real hero of mine – In my early teens, I started training in Shotokan Karate and proudly achieved my Black Belt.

Fast forward a few years (and a few stones in weight) I was looking for a style that I could get involved with and train in for many years to come – I knew about Wing Chun and started researching local classes. I came across Sifu Alan at Halesowen Wing Chun and can honestly say it has been amazing.

The training ethics and sense of family really make a fantastic place to train and develop both physically and mentally. I was lucky enough to be accepted into the club and my training is going from strength to strength. With no belt system and with a real sense of community I would wholeheartedly recommend not only the style of Wing Chun but more specifically Halesowen Wing Chun as a place to train.