When researching any product nowadays, the usual first port of call is Google. Whether you are looking for a new outfit, Xbox or ps 4 games a quick “Google” will give you, not only price, the places to purchase but more importantly the opinions of others that have purchased the product.

The same goes for Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm Dit Da Jow.

We have been selling our unique blend of Dit Da Jow for many years and have had some wonderful feedback, not only on the product but the level of service we provide. This feedback was one of the main motivators in looking at the Iron Palm Dit Da Jow. People often mix up the use of these and then wonder why they didn’t have a quicker recovery.

People often mix up the use of Iron Palm or regular Dit Da Jow then wonder why they didn’t have a quicker recovery.

Dit Da Jow is for bruises, blood stagnation and Iron palm is for bones and tendons.

A quick look at the table below and you can easily see the main differences between each:

Dit Da Jow Iron Palm Dit Da Jow 50/50 Mix
Assists with the healing of Bruises Assists with the healing of Tendons, Sinew, Bones Combined benefits of both the Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm Dit Da Jow
Helps reduce Pain Helps reduce Pain
Strengthens Blood Vessels Strengthens Bones, Tendons, Connective Tissue
Reduces Swelling Conditions the Hands, Shins for Heavy Contact
Stops Blood Stagnation Protects Contact Area from Serious Injury
Moves Qi Moves Qi

So, what are people saying about our Dit Da Jow?

Fast service great product really helps thanks.

Very pleased. Thanks.

Great stuff !!! can’t fault it, brilliant cheers

Good product. Excellent service. Fast delivery like always

Very pleased to receive this so soon. Excellent service.

Hello, thanks for the jows they work well I am working on gravel with the 12 strikes as much as possible. I don’t struggle with any swelling, soreness or creaking of the joints. Also able to relax and sink deeper into my palm strikes without blood blisters appearing through heavier cycles and strike with my fingertips without injury. You have a good reference from me!