Kicking in the Wing Chun Kung Fu system

When you think of Martial Arts fighting or you are reading an article about Martial Arts and the subject of kicking comes up do you envisage high jump spinning heel kicks, jumping ax kicks or flying through the air with a side kick? If so you are with the majority of people that have a view of Martial Arts that is, shall we say slightly distorted.
Kicking within any fighting system has to be understood and explained, but even more importantly knowing when to kick and when not to kick is a must.

Understanding the dynamics of a kick, the power generated the reason for the kick and the kicking target all have to come together whenever a kick is executed. Getting a kick wrong, missing the target or falling over are all high risk factors that have to be considered before you contemplate throwing a kick.

The power that can be generated from a kick can end any fight very quickly, especially if the target hit will stop an attacker in their tracks, but unlike the movies we all love to watch an attacker will not simply stand there while you execute a perfect jump spinning round house kick.

Keep it real

Wing Chun kicking, like the whole system really; try to utilise the most effective time to use a kick, a time that will bring the maximum results.

Kicking within the Wing Chun system when first viewed looks rather ineffective, some have said that the kick looks weak, but when explained in detail and when asking for volunteers, these same people that mock soon retract their statements and sit back down. So much for being weak!

Wing Chun kicks will never go above the waist, and for good reasons, missing a target, let’s say the head, with a kick will leave you very vulnerable, and if you are a guy doing that kick, you leave your “crown jewels” (groin area) very open and exposed to counter attack, not to mention that all your body weight is now on one leg, not a good position to be in.

There are only a few kicks within the wing chun system, the Front Kick, the Side Kick and Lifting kick, all other kicking techniques are slight variations of the 3 main kicks, we will look at the use of the front kick.

The Wing Chun front kick can come from the front leg or the back leg, so depending on stance position at the time the kick can be delivered very quickly and with great power. Kicking off the front leg is very fast but not as powerful as kicking off the back leg which is itself slightly slower if you were standing with one leg forward, otherwise in a neutral stance either foot can be used for the kick. The front kick should aim for lower targets, the knee, crotch, shin or ankle. The front kick always strikes with the heel of the foot and like a Wing Chun punch the kick should not be chambered, this can give away your intentions.

Keeping with the Wing Chun principal of using the direct, shortest path between 2 points, the heel (though not the knee) should move in a straight line to the target. The kick can be used as a defence against another kick or as an attacking tool striking the attacker on the knee, crotch, shin or ankle. A common use of the front kick to the side of the knee, for example, would or is intended to destroy the knee joint to help take control of the fight. If your opponent cannot stand they cannot fight.

Sifu Alan:

Wing Chun Halesowen’s Instructor, Sifu Alan has been involved in martial arts since 1992. Sifu Alan holds a Level 2 Coaches Certificate through the BCCMA, and has a passion and dedication for the passing on of the martial art of Wing Chun. Sifu Alan offers a unique approach to learning, utilising aspects of both physical and psychological aspects of training to help the student fully understand the reasons behind their training. Sifu Alan does not want the “copy as I do” approach, he wants his students to know, feel and understand what they can do within the Wing Chun System.
Sifu Alan is CRB checked and registered to work with children and young adults.

MIDLANDS WING CHUN KUEN – Director: Grandmaster Ip Chun, Chief Instructor: Si-Fu S. Rawcliffe All Midlands Wing Chun Kuen Instructors are Registered Members of: British Council for Chinese Martial Arts (BCCMA), Sports Coach UK ~ The National Coaching Foundation and Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong.