Help your child become the best person they can be

Dad, I don’t what to go to, [insert activity here], today, all my friends are, [insert excuse here], can we leave it this week? I double promise that I will go to the next lesson, please dad, please…

What harm will come from missing a few sessions?

Over a year, not much if your child is regular to the classes and does practice at home.

The problem can the forming of a new habit to replace the habit of regular training. As adults, we all wish at times that we didn’t have to go to work, wash the dishes, walk the dog, go shopping, go to the gym, etc. As adults, we know that we have to. No work, no money, no clean plates, nothing to eat off, no dog walk, an overactive dog, no shopping, no food, no gym, health suffers.

Parents know best

As a parent, it can be difficult to convince a child that continuing with a martial art will benefit them, not only now but into their teenage years and adulthood. The lure of playing on a gaming console or watching the latest series on Netflix can leave you frustrated. Have you ever monitored the number of hours spent on these activities/devices?

Tough love

Keeping a child to a routine of martial arts training, just like going to school, is very important to their continual development, not just within their chosen martial art discipline but also into adulthood. As parents, we have to make the right decisions for our children, even if they do not see the benefits right now. 

7 Reasons why every child in Halesowen should be given the chance to learn A Martial Art like Wing Chun Kung Fu.

  1. Learn co-operation and consideration for others
  2. Develop self-discipline and self-respect
  3. Gain confidence
  4. Fitter and healthier
  5. Learn self-defense
  6. Master crucial social skills
  7. Have FUN and they will feel great about themselves

If you would like your child/children to come to try out a free lesson, head over to the Halesowen Kung Fu for children’s page >>, fill out the form and come and be part of our growing family.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact SiFu Alan Bagley on 07821 126 685