Sifu Alan Bagley Halesowen Wing Chun School

The Wooden Dummy

When new students come into the Halesowen Wing Chun School one of two questions will inevitably be asked what the “wooden thing” on the Wall or “how soon can I begin to train on the Wooden Dummy”

Muk Yan Jong. Literal meaning. “wooden man post”.

Traditionally, the Wooden Dummy is taught after the 3 empty hand forms in Wing Chun have been learned but this does not stop a student that is eager to practice from using the Muk Yan Jong.

There are many techniques that can be practiced on the Wooden Dummy before learning the whole dummy form. Techniques like Bong Sau, Tan Da, Pak Sau, Kwan Sau, and many more.

One of the benefits of the Wooden Dummy is that as a training aid it teaches the student the correct distance, forces good structure in techniques and it can be trained on for long hours.

So why the Wooden Man Post?

Sifu Alan Bagley Halesowen Wing Chun SchoolIf you take a look at this image of the Wooden Dummy you will notice “arms and legs” that protrude out from the trunk. I

If you can imagine that these arms and legs represent the arms and legs of an attacker or training partner then you can begin to work around these and test your positions, distance, and techniques. Drilling them until you are happy.

The arms of the Wing Chun Wooden Dummy can represent attacks that have to be blocked or obstacles for the student to overcome in order to attack the trunk of the dummy.

The leg of the dummy has to be maneuvered around and attacked by the student during the form and helps with balance and correct positioning.

Most Wing Chun Schools will have a Wooden dummy to work on and should be made available to all levels of students. The last thing you want to be is “scared” to use the Muk Yan Jong.

If you would like to find out more the Halesowen Wing Chun School offer both Adult and Children classes. To book a free taster lesson or to enquire please get in touch and make a start.

Call or text Sifu Alan Bagley on 07821 126 685

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